6168 Maniacal Mechanics
We are FTC team 6168, the Maniacal Mechanics, an 11th-year team located in Rolla, Missouri. We are one of 4 teams under the Rolla Robotics umbrella. Our team members range from 7th-12th graders that attend school in the Rolla Public School District. We pride ourselves in being a student-driven team, meaning that as members we are responsible for all decisions made regarding the robot, setting up fundraisers, servicing the community, and taking the initiative to accomplish our goals. We have knowledgeable coaches who know when to allow us to make an attempt at something, regardless of the success rate, and when to step in to prevent us from hurting ourselves. Most importantly, our team builds one another up, helps each other out, and establishes friendships that extend outside of the workshop. We enjoy a feeling of fulfillment in knowing that we participate in this driven family of competition.